What happens when your child is diagnosed with a disability or with a delay?
At this point, the discussion with professionals quickly shifts to early intervention: you may have been told that your child needs to see multiple therapists, each with a minimum number of hours per week, in order to see the best results. It’s no wonder that parents of disabled children start their journey feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It can feel like an impossible task.
Having a child diagnosed with a disability or developmental delay can be overwhelming and isolating. You are not alone: Our organisation is parent-led… It means that we have been there before!
One of the many things that help us is to understand what keeps us going. Because we do so much for our children and family, we often forget to take care of ourselves…
So here is our gift to you: A Mindful Parent Colouring Book to relax and reflect about ways to build on your child’s and family’s strengths page after page, drawing after drawing!
Colour to Practice Mindfulness
Do you enjoy colouring by yourself or with your child? Get your free copy of the Mindful Parent Colouring Book!
Start now, download your free colouring book today!
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