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Enhancing community wellbeing

Chuffed to be soon launching our community wellness program which will be carried out over 2 workshops (3 hrs each).  Raglan Naturally is fully onboard and has also encouraged us to submit an application for seniors wellbeing.

Participants learn about contemporary positive psychology wellbeing models and co-design bespoke self-improvement interventions. They apply an evidence-based flourishing model (image below) to increase their wellbeing by implementing a range of practices. Participants identify their character strengths and harness them to plan novel ways to contribute to their community. These novel channels for participation and contribution will enhance social connectivity.

This project builds on our decade of psychological and educational expertise working with people to foster community wellbeing through creativity and environmental sustainability. 

Participants use creativity to carry out acts of leadership in their families and communities as they explore the connection between personal wellbeing and social and environmental sustainability. 

Research has demonstrated that our mental health and wellbeing are impacted by: 
1.  Social factors: through activities ranging from contribution to community to leadership
2.  Environmental factors: through addressing issues such as climate change anxiety, a relatively new phenomenon arising with climate change discourse. 

Hence self care is intimately related to their concern for their communities and their environment. Building resilience and robust mental health involves building the capability to recognise when attention needs to be focused on wellbeing and practising the purposeful activities that build these skills.

I don’t want the program to end!! Not because I think more information needs to be covered or that I haven’t learnt to do this process on my own, but because it has been such an enjoyable experience. One of the highlights of the program has been going on this journey with other people and seeing how much we all have in common but also how different the experience of the program has been for everyone. Everybody has been so honest and open in sharing within the group and we have all learnt so much from each other.

My husband and I really enjoying the program. We are having good conversations about future plans/goals - which is something we have not really done before. I feel like our mindset is changing a little bit each week. And the constant feeling of overwhelm which we have become so accustomed seems more manageable. It's like we have found a little bit of calm amidst all the chaos - which is so nice.  

This has been a great learning experience for me, not ONLY benefit for my son Jett, the family more importantly empowering myself as an individual person and parent. The course provided a platform to shifting daily busy life focus, from coping reactively to a pause thinking and making plans proactively for themselves, kids, family etc, by introducing tools such as [...] Signature strengths, wellbeing PERMA and mindfulness exercises leading to more meaningful daily actions. Overall I'm so grateful for the course which reminded us so much that we have the power to make a difference to our wellbeing by taking positive actions daily. HIGHLY recommended 


Soon to update with exciting news!