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Keys to Lead Youth Leadership Development programs

We are stoked with the results of the last 2 youth leadership development programs in partnership with Tararua REAP. Details of the Keys to Lead program are here

We collect data before and throughout the workshop about participants goal setting and achievement, empowerment, hope and wellbeing. 

Programme description and impact

  • Participants: 21 participants over 2 groups.

  • Demographics: ages ranged from 11 to 23: 11 girls and 10 boys.

  • Types of Goals: Most frequent goal types were Health and fitness (45.5%), Education (18.2%), Skill building (18.2%), Career (15.2%) and Cultural and community (3%).

  • Key learnings: Participants learned to:

    • Create an inspiring vision for their future.

    • Formulate the long term goals that will enable them to achieve their vision.

    • Craft short term goals for each long term goals that they prioritise during the program

    • Identify their “signature strengths” and understand how to harness them to achieve their goals.

    • Unpack their short term goals using our Goal to Action bespoke framework - which extends the SMART goal method.

    • Understand the components of wellbeing and how to improve their wellbeing and life satisfaction.

    • Use the Keys to Citizenship framework to create their good life and situate their present and future goals.

    • Integrate the aforementioned elements into an “All about Me” dashboard which offers a quick overview of how to support their positive learning and how to best support them to achieve their goals.

  • Participants outcomes: 

    • Engagement with the workshop facilitators and materials: 9.3 out of 10.

    • Short term goals achieved: Participants achieved an average of 80-90% of their goals

    • Psychological variables: Participants reported increases in empowerment, hope, wellbeing and life satisfaction from their baseline levels to the end of the program. These increases are statistically significant. 

We are planning to carry out more programs soon!! Watch this space.