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Parliament launch - State of the Sector report on Youth with Invisible Disabilities

Spectacular launch for our State of the Sector report on Youth with Invisible Disabilities at Parliament on Thursday 29 June!!

Dr. Annick Janson, Secretary, Fast Track Inclusion Trust, was approached by a group of organisations supporting youth with invisible disabilities and asked if she would author this State of the Sector report, which she did.

We had TWO ministers there: Hon. Nicky Wagner, Minister for Disability Issues (top photo with Trish Benge and Helen Gempton, McKenzie Centre and Yaniv, Robin, Annick and Melissa Janson) and Hon. Maggie Barry, Minister Arts Culture and Heritage (bottom right photos), and a host of personalities and supporters.

As the report is gaining traction, expect to hear more about it! To be followed...

Download the report here.