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Our submission to the ENABLE Film Festival

The movie that we are submitting to the festival is about a collaboration between the New Zealand Human Rights Commission, a New Zealand Museum, our Ministry for Disability Issues, the Fast Track Inclusion Trust and an emerging disabled artist painter Yaniv Janson (www.yanivjanson.com). Our submission clip to UNEFF, just short of 5 min is at: https://vimeo.com/192076211

This collaboration is about raising awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals through the disability lens. These 17 ambitious goals for humanity were nominated as the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. 

Yaniv has Aspergers' Syndrome and epilepsy. He wants to show the world that people with a disability are passionate about working on the Sustainable Development Goals and that he chose to raise awareness about them through his art.

The Please Do Touch installations unpack possible scenarios whereby 5 Sustainable Development Goals would not be pursued. The purpose of inviting the audience to interact with the art by touching and listening to it is to engage with the topic on as many levels as possible. This collaboration's UN webpage is listed below.

These most recent works of Yaniv Janson address issues of inequality and the issue of housing. 

His work asks us to look at the how people feel about their living conditions and what kind of options are realistically available to all people to ensure that everyone has adequate housing. 

Yaniv’s art draws the viewer in through the use of vibrant colour and then while he has our attention, simultaneously addresses the social justice of inadequate housing and poverty. 

Leafa Wilson, Curator, Waikato Museum, New Zealand

More information and links
Human Rights Commission's project page: www.hrc.co.nz/yaniv-janson
Fast Track Inclusion Trust: http://fasttrackinclusiontrust.blogspot.co.nz
Yaniv Janson: www.yanivjanson.com