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Experiences of a lifetime!

Recording the STARS social media presence on FaceBook... Well done everybody!

Social participation and contribution at its best!

The sequel of the Christchurch Fashion Show happened at the Tasman Room, Alexandra Park and was another huge success for our young people. Denyse Saunders is our hero - she gave us a significant place in her show and in her heart! Our latest participant and supporting actors can't stop talking about this experience and what it meant for our young people - instilling self-confidence and self-belief... isn't it written all over their faces? The long term ramifications of this experience for participants and supporting actors are still to be explored. One supporting actor said: 
In the week leading up to the performance, it took a lot of convincing, cajoling, explaining, rehearsing to reassure him that he could not only overcome his fear of public appearance - but gain from it. During this time, I discovered many new facets of strengths in the young person I am supporting. He told me this experience taught him that he was able to fight the fear and anxiety he first felt and replace them with extreme pride. Denyse made him feel special... and so did the hundreds of spectators that gave him a huge round of applause. In the days following the show, we talked at length about the value of his learning and how he would use this insight to build strength at other future moments where it was needed. Even though I have been working with this young man for the past 6 years, watching him walk down the cat walk with such confidence and pride is an experience I will never forget... and I gather so won't he!!!