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STARS Graduation Finale

What a finale - full of fun, surprises and.... matches! 

Our graduates invited their families and friends. The STARS programme initiators and facilitators, Dr. Annick Janson, Irene Andrell and Sue Banks invited the families who had joined us in this 5 week ride. We also wanted to thank the organisations that supported us: Te Pou, Manawanui InCharge and Enabling Good Lives Christchurch demonstration. We particularly acknowledge the presence at our graduation of Gaye Leary (Manawanui InCharge), Gordon Boxall (Enabling Good Lives), Peter Campbell (Parent to Parent NZ Board), Adrienne Henderson (Te Pou) and Kathy Gosset (Radio NZ, Interviewing for the One in Five Programme).

We'll be publishing more stories very shortly, explaining the matching process and the lessons we have learnt during STARS1 as we get ready for STARS2 - planned for August.

Once again, deepest thanks to My-Life.org.uk for sharing the knowledge that they had accumulated by launching their Creative Recruiting programme - it was their enthusiastic spark that kept us going in the late hours of the night and small hours of the morning!!!! Thank you so much Caroline Tomlinson and Clare Roberts!!!!!!

Contact us at: starstraining4U@gmail.com