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Matching support staff with people who need assistance

First in NZ! Speed Dating Job Fair for the Health and Disability sector. Sat 2 May 1-2pm 106 Main South Rd, Chch

S.T.A.R.S are born! A brand new unique training style has come to New Zealand and more importantly it is running its pilot in Christchurch: S.T.A.R.S (Seeking Talented and Resourceful Supporting –Actors)

Whilst this sounds like a role on the big screen, it isn’t in the usual sense, but the concept is similar. A group of Christchurch parents have got together, to bring training for support people to work with their disabled young person. The idea has come from the UK-based group My Life who have had tremendous success with the programme.

The families looking for great support staff aren’t looking for ‘carers’, they are looking for supporting actors to walk alongside their STAR in the movie of their life. Changes in disability funding now enable families to administer their own funding - this is revolutionising the job market opening career opportunities unheard of before. These families can now employ their own staff to support their family member in the community, be it swimming, movies, dance, horse riding etc. You name it there will be a young person giving it a go!

The training programme is for anyone with the following qualities: Kind-hearted, glass half full personality, ready to give anything a go! Experience is not necessary. It runs for 5 consecutive Saturdays and each Saturday families are invited in for the afternoon to meet, mix, mingle and above all have fun with the trainees.

On Saturday 2nd May from 1 to 2pm the STARS are holding a speed dating Job Fair for all families and job seekers in our community interested in trying this concept for an hour! All welcome! Join us at Our Lady of Victories - low building located at the back of the parking space at 106 Main South Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch.