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Authentic Corporate Social Responsibility and amazing encounters

Every so often, one meets an extraordinary person with an extraordinary vision.

Today we met one: Olivier Lacoua, General Manager CQ Hotels Wellington.

Olivier has demonstrated through loud actions how he supports social inclusion initiatives. In the photo below, Yaniv Janson, an emerging disabled artist is very happy because Olivier has purchased 20 copies of his books as gifts to future hotel VIPs. Olivier met Yaniv at the Attitude Awards last December, where Yaniv was a finalist.

Yaniv is a French national who has immigrated to New Zealand as a young child. As a French Foreign Trade Advisor, Olivier was also honored in 2012 by the French Government as Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Merite - Knight of the National Order of Merit of France. Olivier is keen to help tell this joint French-New Zealand story.

At the Fast Track Inclusion Trust, we document case stories of authentic Corporate Social Responsibility. When businesses partner with other sectors such as the arts or the disability sector to achieve common goals we know that we are striding in the right direction, but beyond plain CSR it is Olivier's Social Innovation spirit that is impressive - so we know this is an early chapter of a story to be continued!!!