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Building community - one job at a time

Thank you so much Michael Kendrick for pointing us to this great resource that has just gone free at: http://www.belongingmatters.org/#!gallery/c1nzd (screenshot below):

There are so many great presentations in this resource - including some of Michael's... which is great because he presents in so many places and this allows us to keep up!

One presentation I wanted to outline today is in response to a recent email I got about New Zealand initiatives - and I am sad to say that there are very few around making a real difference... though they are many people who earn government contracts and produce a flurry of documents, presentations, strategies and the like.

So listen to the above presentation with 2 organisations that worked  >10 years on creating one job at a time and can boast the only outcome that matter - people employed in jobs they enjoy!!

The only reason why this really worked, is that they engaged with a closely knit network of employers - a national Rotary club whose members were employers committed to hire disabled people and share with other employers what amazing results they got.

They steadily, year after year increased the number of employed people... this is the kind of systems change we need here - from the top down . Anything else will only make a drop of a difference in a sea of indifference!

On another note, here is an interesting local initiative I researched a few years ago: http://tinyurl.com/enabling-workplace