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Thoughts about new developments in the disability sector

Disability Action Plan 2014-2018

The Ministerial Committee on Disability Issues approved the new Disability Action Plan 2014-2018 at its meeting on 8 April 2014. For the first time, a collaborative approach was used to develop the new plan that involved government agencies working closely with representative organisations of disabled people (known as Disabled People’s Organisations or DPOs) over a six month period. As a result, the new plan looks and feels very different to previous plans. It follows the example of Better Public Services by focusing on cross-sectoral collaboration to achieve four shared results, which require government agencies to work together with DPOs, disability sector organisations and other entities with relevant expertise:
·         increase employment and economic opportunities.
·         ensure personal safety
·         transform the disability support system
·         promote access in the community.

There is also a new governance and implementation arrangement to support the new way of working together and monitor progress.

The new plan was noted by Cabinet in May 2014.

The new plan provides consistency in strategic priorities that Ministers expect to see progressed over the four year period. It is centred on what disabled people say matters the most to them, with the vision of “All New Zealanders experience equal rights of citizenship”.
As with previous plans, reporting on progress with the plan will be included in the Minister for Disability Issues' annual report to Parliament.

The plan will soon be available in New Zealand Sign Language, easy read, Braille and audio formats.

Fran Silvestri
President & CEO, IIMHL