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Leading the way!

Gerri Pomeroy and Roger Loveless work to make disabled people count! Listen to the Disability Access Index National Radio interview here where Gerri explains the projects she leads. This project is funded by the Think Differently campaign.

This is important news for everybody! Accessibility affects not only the 1 in 6 people that are disabled but also other groups such as older citizens or parents pushing baby strollers.

Congratulations Gerri and Roger for your pioneer work! It is a greatly appreciated contribution to the whole society.

Photo from the Think Differently University of Waikato Meeting March 2014

Do you want to be a social innovator? Join us in trying new ways to accelerate inclusion for marginalised people - to make everyone feel welcome in our society. It starts small - with everyday encounters... it's about reaching out to those that are less lucky than we are and finding out what their goals are and how they can feel they are contributing - hence feel part of their community. Sometimes it's about 'random acts of kindness' - to a person we know or don't know; a neighbour who is lonely, a disabled person who could do with your help, a new migrant or refugee who would welcome a friendly smile - marginalised people are all around us, but we don't necessarily notice... so where can you start - what small difference can you make tomorrow?

Check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/StoryBehindEveryNZ.YOUth 
Think Differently is a Ministry of Social Development initiative supporting our initiative.